I do not come to junk up your comments with links but I *was* googling out of curiosity and found his wife returned in my search as: “Bartender - Matt Damon’s wife.” lol Google!! (there’s your misogyny). I hope my first job after college and a male spouse’s name are on MY headstone because what else does a woman do?!! 🤭
I do not come to junk up your comments with links but I *was* googling out of curiosity and found his wife returned in my search as: “Bartender - Matt Damon’s wife.” lol Google!! (there’s your misogyny). I hope my first job after college and a male spouse’s name are on MY headstone because what else does a woman do?!! 🤭
See! Meech's Misogyny allegations once again beat!!!
What was it like meeting Ms. Berry? She seems so cool! I can't wait for your live video too! We WILL be listening 👂🏿😁
She was so lovely! Gorgeous and warm
Gorgeous and warm = that sweater! 🙌🏽