In the words of Mark Wahlberg at the 95th Oscars because he didn’t know how to read a teleprompter—Women are Talking! Namely Jada Pinkett Smith.
Her book tour for her forthcoming memoir Worthy (out October 17th) has her revealing everything, as you can read here in this week’s post
What HASN'T Jada Pinkett Smith Revealed, Chile
And while I support women talking because I’m a feminist, it reminded me of another queen who had a lot to confess, who is also on tour—her Celebration Tour—Madonna.
When Confessions on a Dance Floor was released, I had just graduated high school a few months prior and was at my first major college party when I heard Hung Up. Instantly my life changed. So for this week’s playlist, I thought I would create an ode to Madonna who after a battle with—well, a lot of things—is back and she’s happier, healthier, and better than ever, sans butt implants!
I am so glad she's healthy again, I was genuinely worried. Confessions of a Dance Floor is one of her best - you knew that cos of your impeccable taste!