Oooooh, IDK her arrest kinda broke my heart. She was going THROUGH IT with her Dad’s dementia and the woman he “married”. Hadn’t she taken a role filming in Atlanta that year so she could be close to Nashville for competency hearings? Yeah, she crossed a line but I don’t think that revealed “who she is” as much as how powerless she felt. “Do you know who I am?” Doesn’t come from a place of strength, it’s desperation. (Totally possible I’m projecting though- we went through something strikingly similar that year with my grandfather).
I think you’re projecting a bit because you can empathize with her situation which we all do when something hits close to home, BUT, I had no idea any of that was going on! I’m not admonishing her for “Do you know who I am” just a reminder that she IS Reese Witherspoon!
I grew up in TN, and the Tricianne Taylor stuff dominated local headlines from 2012-2014. Probably too gross for People to cover, but back in 2012 big Hollywood stars were *just* migrating to Nashville, was soooo different before Taylor really exploded, so anything regarding Reese received outsized attention. I feel like I know more about that case than any non-family member should!
Living for the Sweet Home Alabama discourse
In THIS HOUSE it’s a box office darling!
Oooooh, IDK her arrest kinda broke my heart. She was going THROUGH IT with her Dad’s dementia and the woman he “married”. Hadn’t she taken a role filming in Atlanta that year so she could be close to Nashville for competency hearings? Yeah, she crossed a line but I don’t think that revealed “who she is” as much as how powerless she felt. “Do you know who I am?” Doesn’t come from a place of strength, it’s desperation. (Totally possible I’m projecting though- we went through something strikingly similar that year with my grandfather).
I think you’re projecting a bit because you can empathize with her situation which we all do when something hits close to home, BUT, I had no idea any of that was going on! I’m not admonishing her for “Do you know who I am” just a reminder that she IS Reese Witherspoon!
I grew up in TN, and the Tricianne Taylor stuff dominated local headlines from 2012-2014. Probably too gross for People to cover, but back in 2012 big Hollywood stars were *just* migrating to Nashville, was soooo different before Taylor really exploded, so anything regarding Reese received outsized attention. I feel like I know more about that case than any non-family member should!
A word
So tru!!! 🙏🏽
My goodness this was brilliant- thank you.
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